Second,the breakdown of the target users,carried out the experimental task. According to users on the target user proficiency in the classification,and Nokia 6300 to carry out tasks for the experimental subjects.Through experiments,observation of the user's operation,carried out the experimental records and brief interviews,analysis of the user's error probability,as well as the cause of the problems that may occur to different factors removed in order to find to find the most popular also need to be improved in order to further refine a new user needs.Third,a user model.Understanding of the psychological demands of users and operational needs,the establishment of cognitive model and task model.Fourth,the collection of survey data and analyze findings.First of all,through an initial interview with the mobile phone interface design to identify the relevant factors, the analysis of survey data based on the factors to weigh and evaluate and determine their priority ranking,and then write a mobile phone interface design guidelines.Finally,knowledge of human-computer interaction theory to demonstrate the results of the investigation to verify its advantages and feasibility of mobile phones the ultimate manifestation of a harmonious relationship with the user.